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Jan 5, 2011

A walk away

He wakes up in the morning with great difficulty,turns to his side and sigghss.. "Ahh! my baby.your walks in the morning I dislike,you know how i long to see you when I open my eyes."
The man sits up in bed,yawns a bit..and thinks..can I sleep for some more time..Its been a long baby sure keeps me awake to share a few words,however long the day has been for her,she loves the little cribbing I do before the lights are off,and sure does know how to keep me awake even in the dark.(the man smiles as he thinks of it).With eyes half closed,he walks up to the kitchen to make his cup of coffee,(in his mind..Yes darling.I know you like green tea,as part of your latest health regime.So then I thought I'll have green tea as well.You'll be surprised to see me sip that eeky green liquid just to keep you company).

After placing the kettle of green tea and two cups on the table in the sitting room,he walks towards the backyard,and sees the little plants that have faded.the flowers that are yet to bloom.He cribs (Honey ! I told you,please don't keep those plants if you don't have time to look after them.They are not independent ,unlike me) he giggles on the thought of how 'dependent' he actually is.After a walk in the backyard ,he picks up a red rose,and gets inside,searching for a knife to chop those thorns of.In his mind (Oh yes ladyy..I am a romantic man.You'll see that today,but please don't expect your favourite tracks playing as you walk in.You know how I love silence in the morning.he he)
The man hears the door bell and says "Ah! there she is!" He opens the door to see the newspaper next to the door mat.He picks it up,and runs through the pages(not wanting to waste time on world news,when he's awaiting his wife's arrival to give her company for tea.Yes he gets the page.The page that he completely dedicated to his wife,on her first death anniversary.He places the cup of green tea and red rose on the paper...moves his fingers over her picture ,and with a release of a deep sigh,he wets the page with his tears.He says "Its your first death anniversary baby,and you look as pretty as ever in my dreams,the bed still looks like how you leave it and go for your walks in the morning,you are still in my heart honey.Just a walk away"(in the background plays: his wife's favourite track)

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